New York Times on SPICE Chess Move to Webster
Feb 15, 2012
Webster University recently announced that champion chess Grandmaster Susan Polgar and her Susan Polgar Institute for Chess Excellence (SPICE) are relocating to Webster University along with a champion chess team.
The St. Louis Beacon called it “a major coup” for Webster, and now The New York Times has covered the move.
The Times talked with Webster Provost and senior vice president Julian Schuster, who helped recruit and hire Polgar:
Mentioning that Webster has campuses in more than 100 places around the world, Mr. Schuster, who grew up in the former Yugoslavia, where chess is popular, said: “I did not grow up in this country. I do not play football. I do not have this connection from the old country. Chess is a global game, and we live in global times. And Webster is a global university.”
The coverage on the National page of the Times also drew the notice of Deb Peterson in her gossip column at stltoday.com, the website for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
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